Amazon India today announced the launch of a new Delivery Station in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Spread across 11,000 square feet, the new station will enable Amazon to strengthen its last-mile delivery network and ensure faster deliveries across the city of Ahmedabad, ahead of the upcoming festive season. This delivery station will enable seamless delivery of customer orders to customers across the city and in areas such asChandkheda, Motera, Adalaj, Bhat, Shahibagh, Ranip and Sabarmati among others.Investments in Delivery Stations enable faster last mile deliveries of orders to customers in the region, and create local jobs in the city.
The company further announced the expansion of its delivery network in Gujarat with direct delivery presence through Amazon’s owned and partner network in towns such as such asBadol, Manund, Vadavali, Vasavadand Sardargadh.This growth of the delivery network will enable Amazon to penetrate further into smaller towns across Gujarat and have a strong delivery presence in more than550 pin codes of the State, with a significant number of customers now being able to enjoy one-day and two-delivery promises. With this expansion, Amazon India now has more than 110Amazon owned and Delivery Service Partner stations, and more than800‘I Have Space’ partners across the state.
Commenting on the expansion, PrakashRochlani, Director, Amazon Logistics said, “We believe customers, no matter where they are located, value fast & reliable delivery. In line with our vision of making e-commerce a part of everyday life, and transforming how India buys and sells, we have expanded our last mile delivery network in the State and also opened a new delivery station spread across 11,000 square feet in Ahmedabad. This expansion will create many local work opportunities for individuals in the city as we continue our long-term investment in creating jobs and building infrastructure in the State.”
Amazon’s Operational Presence in Gujarat
- 2Fulfilmentcentres with more than 2 Million cubic feet of storage space.
- 3Sort Centres in the State with more than 1 lakh square feet of sortation area.
- More than 110 Amazon owned and Delivery Service Partner stations in Gujarat
- More than 800of ‘I Have Space’ (IHS) stores in Gujarat
- Direct delivery presence inmore than550 pin codes across the state.
All customers on and the Amazon mobile shopping app have an easy and convenient access to over 200 million+ products across hundreds of categories. They benefit from a safe and secure ordering experience, convenient electronic payments, Cash on Delivery, Amazon’s 24×7 customer service support, and a globally recognized and comprehensive 100% purchase protection provided by Amazon’s A-To-Z Guarantee. They can also enjoy’s guaranteed next-day, two-day delivery and standard delivery on products fulfilled by Amazon.