Viewers favourite stunt-based reality show KhatronKeKhiladi is all set to roll with its 12th season on COLORS. While action maestro RohitShetty returns as a host this season, popular celebrities such as RubinaDilaik, SritiJha, Shivangi Joshi, Mohit Malik amongst others will show off their adventurous side as daredevil contestants.
Here’s an interview with the ace director and host RohitShetty where he talks about the new season of KhatronKeKhiladi, his journey as a host and contestants of this season.
- You will be back on television with the new season of KhatronKeKhiladi, what’s there in the store for viewers this time? Every year we try to push the envelope and expand the scale of entertainment, which is exactly what we aim to do this year as well. The scale is really up this time from the previous seasons. The actions and stunts are bigger. The show appeals to audiences of all ages and hence you will find a high dose of thrill mixed with light humour. Like every season, this year too ‘KhatronKeKhiladi’ will be a complete entertainment package.
- What do you have to say about this season’s contestants? We have a fabulous bunch of contestants this season who are determined to do well and make their mark in this season. They all are very competitive. The viewers should watch out for the performances as we are halfway through the series and there have been very few task aborts.
- You have been associated with KhatronKeKhiladi for seven seasons now, how do you look at your journey? What are the most attractive aspects of ‘KhatronKeKhiladi’ that keep you connected with this show? The journey has been absolutely marvellous! I really enjoy the challenge we face of coming up with something new every season and making it grander than ever; . The love we get from the audience is also a huge motivation for me. This show is loved by all age groups, I have got a lot of love even from the kids.
- How has your experience in South Africa been so far? This is the fourth time we are coming to Cape Town, and it is always a treat to visit this city. We’ve had a great time so far and you will find many beautiful locations her that makes it an ideal location for filming. I think this city is the best option when it comes to shooting this show and we have a wonderful team who has worked really hard to bring this season to your screens.
- .What is your favourite form of stunts between air, land and water?I would say all the stunts performed on land and air are my favourite. I really enjoy filming sequences where I have to ride the helicopter. In the previous seasons, I had made my entry on a helicopter which was a really exciting experience. Part of the reason why I like it so much is because I know the pilots who have worked with us quite well, and it is always reassuring knowing that I’m in safe hands while riding with them.
- What is your biggest fear? People whom I love and adore, I want to see them in their best of health. I don’t want to lose them.
- How do you see your role as a host and a mentor for the contestants? It is my responsibility as the host to be very alert about the tasks and ensure the safety of every contestant. As a mentor, it is my duty to motivate them and help them figure out a way to power through any challenge. It is a matter of pride for me that I am at a position to guide them past all their fears and thrive in this competition.
- Which form of stunts do you enjoy the most – air, land or water? I’d say stunts performed on land and air are my favourite types of stunts.