As the captivating saga of Bulbul (portrayed by Shruti Choudhary) and Veer (played by Shagun Pandey) unfolds in COLORS’ ‘Mera Balam Thanedaar’, viewers are drawn into the journey of two individuals, who are poles apart, struggling for compatibility in their newly wedded life. Adding a spark of excitement to the narrative is the arrival of Supriya Raina Shukla in the role of Sulakshana Singh, Veer’s mother. Coming from a traditional Rajasthani background, Sulakshana is a stickler for discipline and a progressive woman while also cherishing traditions. Recently recovering from a coma, she reunites with her family, delighting in their happiness. With her arrival introducing new challenges, how will Veer and Bulbul navigate her expectations and influence?
Talking about her entry into the show, Supriya Raina Shukla says, “COLORS has been an integral part of my creative journey as an actor, and once again I’m excited to get another opportunity to collaborate with COLORS. The day I received a call from the makers I was excited to work with such amazing talents. I will be seen essaying the character of Sulakshana Singh, who is a strong-headed person and desires everything to be disciplined. I’ve played the part of a strong woman before, but Sulakshana is unflinchingly strong with a loving heart, but has mastered her emotions as well . Portraying this role is my chance to bring to life the tough love that mothers must show with the best interests of their kids at heart.”
In the current storyline, Bulbul’s world crumbles when she discovers she is underage. While the confrontation with her mother is brewing, Bulbul demands answers. The lives of recently married Veer and Bulbul hang in the balance as they grapple with this newfound revelation. Will it tear them apart or bring them together?
Stay tuned to ‘Mera Balam Thanedaar’ every Monday to Friday at 9:30 pm only on COLORS.