screens today with its endearing tale of two sisters. Together, they are determined to claim for each other, “Chutki Bhar Sammaan” – the cornerstone of relationships in this thought-provoking family drama. The story revolves around an elder sister, Mangal, portrayed by Deepika Singh, who is looking for a respectful groom for her younger sister, Lakshmi, played by Sanika Amit. Throughout the show, viewers will witness Mangal’s efforts to find the perfect match for Lakshmi. The show’s tagline, ‘Mangal apne anubhav se sawaregi Lakshmi ki zindagi,’ encapsulates this journey. Drawing parallels between the on-screen narrative and her own experiences, Sanika acknowledges and talks about how Deepika has been mentoring Sanika in facing the camera, teaching her the nuances of acting for television.
Reflecting on her off-screen connection with Deepika Singh, Sanika shares, “I believe that great chemistry on screen is the result of a good off-screen bond with one’s co-actors . She is like an elder sister to me on set, who’s ready to help me offering tips on acting, and I in turn keep talking to her about content creation. Every day on set is a learning experience, and I find myself truly living the essence of the show, ‘Mangal sawaregi apne anubhav se Lakshmi ki zindagi’ I am grateful for the invaluable lessons that I learn each day giving me an opportunity to experience my character.
Watch the tale of two sisters ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ airing every day at 9:00 PM only on COLORS!