Gujarat: Raiya Enterprise has announced its upcoming film, Vishwastha. Produced by Rajesh Patel (Rangam) and directed by Nikunj Modi, this Gujarati film is set to release on February 7, 2025. The lead roles are played by Sonam Lamba and Nikunj Modi. A teaser for the film was unveiled earlier, creating excitement among viewers. Recently, the film’s Holi-themed song, Lagyo Rang, was launched. Sung by Dev Negi with music composed by Purvesh Dave, the song is choreographed by Tarang Dalwadi and promises to immerse audiences in the hues of love.
The film revolves around a heartfelt love story, blending emotions and devotion. It’s a tale of unwavering faith in love, as reflected in the tagline: Faith nurtures love, and love builds faith (વિશ્વાસે પોતાના પ્રેમમાં રાખેલી આસ્થા અને આસ્થા એ પોતાના પ્રેમમાં રાખેલો વિશ્વાસ…). The film promises to offer a fresh perspective on relationships with its unique narrative.
Producer Rajesh Patel (Rangam) shared, “The shooting of Vishwastha was carried out differently from other Gujarati films. It showcases real locations and portrays a unique love story with unexpected twists that will keep the audience engaged.”
Apart from Sonam Lamba and Nikunj Modi, the film features Urvashi Chauhan, Kalpana Gagdekar, Prashant Barot, Heena Varde, Dhruvi Patel, Vaishakhi Shah, Gopal Barot, Jignesh Modi, Jaydeep Gangani, Asha Panchal, JD Chavda, Kushal Shah, Akshit Vyas, Pooja Purohit, Ashish Joshi, and Nirav Darji in significant roles.
The story is written by Rajesh Patel, Nikunj Modi, and Brijesh Panchal, while the screenplay and dialogues are penned by Brijesh Panchal. Songs are written by Nisarg Vyas, Mohit Mehta, and Mishal Bhatia, with music composed by Purvesh Dave. Singers like Javed Ali, Dev Negi, Purvesh Dave, and Gatha Potha have lent their melodious voices to the soundtrack.
Mark your calendars! Vishwastha is releasing on February 7, 2025, in cinemas near you.