Popular kids’ TV channel Sony YAY! is all set to welcome India’s most-loved on-screen Gada family, from Gokuldham.This April, the channel rolls out the red carpet for the fun-loving members of Gokuldham society in their latest offering. In a fantastical world where anything is possible, expect the unexcepted as the animated series will see Jethaalal, Daya, Bapuji and Tapu cook up a storm of new rib-ticklingmoments, topped with fresh twists and turns that will leave kids amazed.
For the first time ever, with fresh new stories, the show, brings in a host of gripping twists, amusing narratives that guarantee high decibel entertainment at its very best. This fun and friendly neighbourhood where carefree characters go about their lives, will present a bag full of surprising moments that are filled with exciting adventures. These new members of the YAY! universe will fascinate kids as they walk into their hearts and TV sets soon.