August, 2020 : Why do people commit suicide? What is the point when they turn away from life, their loved ones and decide that death is much better then living? “I have had so much of struggle since my childhood. I was born without sight and had to struggle even to get an education. But for me proving my capability was like a potion. No sir, ending my life was not an option. So I went on living, struggling and making it a success on my own,” says Dr Samir Mansuri. The same grit, dedication and focus of never giving up has sustained him throughout his life. As a celebrity Ayurvedic Beauty expert, he helps his patients and as a man of internal strength, he counsels his patients, friends and their family to find their focus in life.
“Never give up. Life is very very precious gift from God. Life is incomplete without problems. And believe me there is always a solution or an alternate path to these problems. One should have faith in themselves. Depression can be sorted. In fact one should approach for help before reaching this state. Depression should not be allowed to control you,” adds Dr Samir who has helped many out of this defeated stage of mind. Today in COVID-19 period, too many people are depressed for different reasons and many are taking their own life. “I decided to speak because I know I can help many.”
Comments one his patients and friend Nisarg Joshi, “I was a patient of severe depression where I had given up on everything in my life. I used to think that life has no way out for me. I had developed a very negative and pessimistic approach towards life. Then I met Dr. Samir Mansuri in 2016 and underwent his counseling sessions. Gradually my thought process changed and my perception towards my life and my lifestyle underwent a major change. Today I am a changed person all thanks to his contribution to mankind in this field. I am happy with a peaceful and positive mind frame. My life has now taken a drastic change and with this positive approach I am able to achieve all the goals. Thanks a ton to Dr. Samir Mansuri.” Besides him people like Dr GanikMansoori and many others are indebted to him for the guidance and advice.

Born in Ahmadabad as a 100% visually impaired Child, he had a very struggled childhood. But he wanted to touch the sky. As a destiny’s own child, he knew that he will one day hit the pinnacles of success. Inspite of all the hurdles and hardships, he never gave up. Word impossible did not exist in his dictionary. He completed his Schooling & College from Ahmedabad. And without any money in his hand, he travelled to different cities in search of some work. Sometimes some humble family would help him with shelter & food and sometimes he was forced to sleep on benches at parks & Railway stations. Wandering for survival his destiny brought him to Hyderabad, where he started giving acupressure services. His practice went up to 16 hrs a day. Here he met his Guruji and learnt science of Ayurvedic&Unani Medicines.
Post Hyderabad practice, Samir returned to Ahmedabad and started his practice in Ahmedabad & Mumbai. Soon he got whos who of Bollywood like John Abraham, SubhashGhai, Ashmit Patel, VivekOberoi, Salman Khan, HrithikRoshan, etc. as his friends and clients.
He makes world class Natural Skin & Hair products with miraculous results. Natural process of Face lift, Glow, De-tan & Anti pigmentation are few very successful treatments he performs in Mumbai.
A philanthropist to core, he floated a NGO ‘Blind Dreams’ and did activities like flying Blind girls to Mumbai and meeting VarunDhawan along with team of Taarak Mehta KaOoltahChashmah, taking them to Essel World, organized & sponsored a Beauty and Talent Pageant ‘Princess India’ for Visually Impaired girls from across India in Mumbai which was supported by John Abraham , SubhashGhai, Bhagyashree, Lauren Gottlieb, AmryaDastur, AmitDowlawat, SatishKaushiketc, training for visually impaired for electronic banking and many other such activities.
Now he is working towards holding a ‘Princess World’ in some overseas destination.
Dr Samir has received many awards like ‘Gujrat Nu Gavrav’ awarded by Honorable CM of Gujarat- Shri. VijaybhaiRupani, ‘Human Rights Award & Life time Achievement Award’ by Delhi Human Rights Association, ‘HeeraManek Award’ for new Innovations in Natural Beauty Products, ‘GauravVantaGujrati Award’ awarded by AishwaryaRaiBachhan, for Innovative CSR activities etc.