During the ‘Mummy Special Week’ on KhatronKeKhiladi 12, contestants Mohit Malik and SritiJha were put up against each other in the final elimination stunt. Bringing an interesting twist to the show, Kanika Mann threw a curve ball by using the special powers she earned after bagging the ‘K-Medal’ last week. In the final stunt, she replaced Mohit with JannatZubair and hence both had to compete against each other to safeguard their place in the show. After a neck and neck competition, Sriti lost to Jannat and so the former had to bid adieu to the show.
Acing the most challenging stunts SritiJha has won million hearts during her stint in the show especially for performing ‘slacklining’ with utmost perfection. In one of the episodes, she pulled off the slacklining stunt with a snake curled around her neck and burning coals beneath the rope. From carrying a baby crocodile with her bare hands to giving her best in the elimination stunts, Sriti left no stone unturned to impress viewers.
Sharing her journey with KhatornKeKhiladi 12, SritiJha says, “My journey with KhatronKeKhiladi 12 was a phase of self-revelation. Given that I get scared very easily, I didn’t think I would overcome so many fears. I’m grateful for the viewers and contestants who’ve rooted for me. I have incredible respect for the way the show is created. A huge shout-out to Rohit sir for boosting my morale every time we used to perform stunts. A bunch of cool people made this show and I’m so glad I got to work with them.”
To know more, tune into Maruti Suzuki presents ‘KhatronKeKhiladi’, charged by Thums Up, trusted partner Kajaria, every Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm only on COLORS!