Bharat Utsav, a grand celebration that showcases the vibrant diversity of India’s culture will be organized for 3 Days-,10,11,12 January 2025 at Sunshine Banquet, Satellite, Ahmedabad. This unique event brings together the rich traditions of India’s eastern, northern, western, and southern regions, offering an immersive experience filled with colors, flavors, and emotions.
Organized by Tulis and Naaritvam, Bharat Utsav is the brainchild of two visionary leaders.
Tuli Banerjee, CEO and Founder of Tulis, has a track record of organizing community-centered events such as Bengali Festivals and music competitions. Sheetal Dave, Founder of Naaritvam, is known for her impactful women empowerment programs, where she has honored women achievers through her initiatives. Together, they aim to create a platform that celebrates India’s cultural richness while fostering connections and opportunities.
This three-day cultural extravaganza will feature numerous highlights, including live performances of traditional art, music, and fashion from across the country. Visitors can savor delicious cuisines from different states, explore creative handicrafts and handlooms, and engage in exciting business networking opportunities. The event also promotes people-to-people exchange, encouraging collaboration in trade, tourism, and culture. To add to the festive spirit, a special Kids Corner will host creative workshops for children, ensuring fun for the entire family.
Visitors can explore a variety of stalls showcasing Handicrafts & Handlooms,Food & Beverages,Fashion & Apparel,Art & Culture,Business & Services and Kids Creative corner.
Join us in this extraordinary celebration of India’s diversity! Don’t miss the chance to be part of Bharat Utsav – an event that promises unforgettable memories.