The Feline Club of India (FCI), will host Ahmedabad’s first and biggest Championship Cat Show on the 19th March,2023 Sunday at Gwalia SBR. The show will have more than 200 cats, including breeds such as Persians, Maine Coon, Bengal and our very own IndiMau. Mrs. Poorvi Anthony (Co-Founder of Just Dogs India, a chain of Petshops across India), Mr. Digamber Khot (Team Member of FCI), Mr. Gaurav Varia (Team Member of FCI) and Mr. Rakib Irfan Shaikh (Team Member of FCI) were present.
The event aimed to create excitement among cat parents, to ensure they get quality time with their feline companions and capture the best moments with them. Moreover, cat parents could mingle and gain insights from renowned judges on how to care for their pets while the fur babies enjoyed being the centre of attention. The show will be judged by Mr.Michael Woods (Australia) and Mr. Saquib Pathan (President, FCI) . Cat parents can also see various cat related products at the exhibition.
The show is a one-of-a-kind event that will bring cat parents together by providing them a platform to step out with their beloved cats and socialise with others who share their love for these feline companions.