TruptrajPandya, a 14-year-old Tabla player from Mumbai, is making India proud with his achievements. He started playing Tabla at the age of 2 and at the age of 6, he entered the Guinness Book of World Records for being the youngest Tabla player. He has also received the PradhanMantriRashtriyaBalPuraskar for Arts & Culture in 2019-20 as well as the Global Prodigy Award 2020. Recently, Indian film actor SonuSood met him on the set of Young Genius, a show that celebrates Child Prodigies, and was awestruck by this young talent.
Currently training in Tabla under Pt. NayanGhosh, he is an adept vocalist and enjoys sports as much as the boy next door. He is also well versed in the nuances of harmonium, dholak and Congo drums. Astounded by the fact that Truptraj has achieved so much in his life at such a young age, SonuSood said, “Truptraj is so disciplined at such a young age. It makes me think that we should go back to our childhood and try and do what Truptaraj is doing.”
Sharing some more tips with the Young Genius, SonuSood said, “When someone starts climbing the ladder of success, there is always the risk of falling down. And the more success you achieve, the more it hurts when you fall. I will therefore only advise one thing – one should stay grounded and stay true to the values given by one’s parents and the friends – people who supported us throughout. And one must never ever give up one’s dreams – one must keep working and waiting for our dreams to come true”
Watch actor SonuSood and table prodigy TruptrajPandya on BYJU’s Young Genius on News18 Network on the Saturday, 13th of March and a repeat telecast on Sunday, 14th March